Case 1: Dental Fillings Before and After

Tooth-coloured restorations (white fillings) replacing silver amalgam fillings.
Case 2: Broken Tooth Before and After

A tooth-coloured restoration of a front incisor tooth that has a mid-crown fracture.
Case 3: Dental Fillings Before and After

A tooth-coloured restoration of a chipped front incisor tooth.
Case 4: Teeth Whitening Before and After

Teeth whitening showing teeth bleached many shades lighter.
Case 5: Porcelain Veneers Before and After

Porcelain veneers on the six upper front teeth.
Case 6: Teeth Whitening & Veneers Before and After

Teeth whitening and porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers on the four upper front teeth.
Case 7: Replacement of Crown & Teeth Whitening Before and After

Nice result after teeth whitening and replacement of an old crown that looks yellow.
Case 8: Replacement of Upper Partial Denture Before and After

Replacement of an old upper partial denture with a more aesthetic denture that has teeth that matched the existing teeth.
Case 9: Replacement of Upper Partial Denture Before and After

Upper partial denture to replace both upper missing lateral incisor teeth.
Case 10: Dentures Before and After

A new set of complete dentures for an edentulous patient.
Case 11: Dental Bridge Before and After

Bonded composite bridges to replace both upper missing lateral incisor teeth.
Case 12: Crowns & Porcelain Veneers Before and After

Porcelain veneers and crowns to improve aesthetics of all the upper front teeth.
Case 13: Dental Implants & Braces Before and After

Braces to redistribute the spaces, and then implant-supported crowns to replace both missing upper lateral incisor teeth.