While around the world the problem has declined, in Australia all indicators point to the problem only getting worse
Do you know when the best time to start looking after your child’s dental health? Did you know you don’t need to wait for their teeth to come through before you start looking after their oral health? Did you know that you can bring your child to the dentist after their first tooth erupts? According to new research carried out by Colgate, around 72% of Australian parents either don’t know or are overly cautious about when to bring their child to the dentist. These parents also are uncertain about exactly what they need to do when it comes to their child’s oral hygiene routine. Despite cavities being easily preventable, 49% of Aussie parents believe that children just get cavities, that it is a normal part of growing up. It is not. With a regular oral hygiene routine and eating well cavities can be avoided.My kids’ teeth are going to fall out anyway, why is this a problem?
The problem is rather straightforward. Baby teeth (milk teeth) pave the way for your permanent teeth. Healthy baby teeth go a long way towards ensuring that adult teeth come through straight, healthy and properly. Baby teeth also help with jaw and facial development as well as speech and eating. Not looking after baby teeth can lead to serious problems with permanent teeth. If a baby tooth suffers decay—and the decay is not treated—this can spread through the tooth and affect the underlying tooth. That is to say that an infected or decayed baby tooth can result in a decayed or infected adult tooth before it even gets the chance to erupt. Untreated tooth decay in baby teeth can also cause permanent teeth to come through crooked or crowded.The solution?
You can look after your child’s oral health even before they teeth erupt. Some simple tips include:- After feeding your baby, wipe their gums with a damp cloth
- Don’t put them to bed with milk or juice—the sugar lying in the mouth can further increase decay.
- When their first tooth erupts use a smear of toothpaste and gently clean the tooth.